Moloa'a, Kauai
AS OF 1/24/25:
COVID: We now allow mixing of groups from more than one family or traveling group per tour, though we still have some restrictions. Please see our Chocolate Farm Tours page for details.
VISITATION: Visitation to the farm is limited to scheduled tours, and to scheduled return of tour "alumni". Please see our Hours page for details.
TOURS: We are often fully booked several weeks out and are presently booked through Monday, February, 3, 2024. Availability after that varies. No tours will be scheduled between, and including: Friday, January 24, 2025 and Wednesday, January 29, 2025, and between and including: 2025 Thursday, February 20, 2025 and Sunday, March 2, 2025, and between and including: Thursday, March 6, 2025 and Wednesday, March 26, 2025, and between and including: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 and Tuesday, May 13, 2025, and between and including: Wednesday, May 21, 2025 and Thursday, June 5, 2025. Please feel free to contact us for a current update.
Aloha Howard & Sally

Engage your senses..treat yourself to a chocolate farm and factory tour.
Our farm & factory tours have proven to be very well received, and we're thrilled that we've been providing a worthwhile and enjoyable experience. However, requests for tours exceed our capacity to provide them, and still have time for farm work and for ourselves.
Your best chance of securing a tour reservation is to do so a couple of months (or more) in advance.
We limit tours to two per calendar week; though the specific day(s) of the week are not set in stone.
We've found it's not practical to try to do "brief visits". There's just too much that is new, interesting, interconnected, and demanding of attention, to be able to squeeze it all in in less than 2 hours.
Unlike some venues, self-guided tours on a working farm are, also, not a practical option.
If we're unable to schedule a tour for you we hope you will have opportunity to visit our island paradise in the future and will consider scheduling a tour during that visit.
Whether or not you're able to schedule a tour, may you experience and carry with you, the "aloha spirit" that we believe makes our island paradise such a special place..
Please see our Location page for information about where we are; and why we don't publish directions on our website.
Tours include:
Talk Story about the history of our farmland and how we came to be chocolate farmers,
a walking tour of our farm, including, but not limited to, our cacao orchards,
a visit to our first-of-it's-kind, off-the-grid, solar-powered, certified-commercial-kitchen chocolate factory, to see, step-by-step, how chocolate is made,
a chance to get up close and personal with a wide variety of other tropical fruit trees and other plants, many with enchanting aromas and/or tastes; including banana, coconut, mango, papaya, lychee, breadfruit (ulu), avocado, lime, lemon, orange, tangelo, and cinnamon as well vanilla orchid, passion fruit (liliko'i) vines, ginger (ornamental and edible) and Ti. Shade and windbreak bushes and trees include mock orange, gliricidia (Madre de Cacao), ice cream bean, sweet tamarind, Hong Kong orchid, and panax. We also have a small garden with pineapple, tomato, asparagus, a variety of herbs,
a Hawaiian-chocolate tasting experience, including HouLau chocolate
an opportunity to learn about various HouLau products and,
most importantly..an opportunity to experience a part of Kauai not usually accessible to the public, where one can be in the moment, relax,... and connect with "Ha", the breath of life...as in aloha.
Group composition: We will, on a selective basis, include more than one ohana/co-traveler group to attend a given tour. Children are welcome, and can add a "magical" element to the tour. However, please consider that children less than 6 years old often cannot maintain focus and/or tolerate the 3+ hour duration and stimulus overload of the tour without need of supportive "time out" with an adult.
Group size: We prefer the closeness that comes with small group interaction; nominally 2 to 6 persons. Exceptions to this will certainly be considered.
Time of day/duration: We recommend touring in morning hours when everyone's fresh. Duration can vary considerably depending on group size, areas & levels of interest, your available time etc., usually 3 to 4 hours.
Cost: $50.00 per person. Children under 12 free when accompanied by an adult.
Where are we?: HouLau farm is located in the Moloaa "Hui lands"..a farming district between Kapaa and Kilauea in the northeast area of Kauai. As the farm is, intentionally, difficult to find in the unmarked dirt roads of the Hui lands, specific instructions as to how to get there will be provided along with your reservation confirmation.
Special Needs: We use a modified golf cart on the farm (no top) and have used it to transport visitors who have difficulty walking. It's no beauty..."it ain't got a back seat or a rear window, but it still gets you where you wanna go..."
To schedule a tour, contact either Sally or Howard or use our Contact Form and we'll take it from there.
A few tips to enhance your safety and enjoyment:
HouLau farm is a working farm. As such there are potential hazards, both readily visible, and inapparent. We ask everyone stay with us as we guide you and pay close attention to directions and cautionary announcements.
Mosquitoes. Please come prepared for the presence of mosquitoes. If you're a "mosquito magnet", you'd be well advised to wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and shoes (as Howard does when working on the farm).
Rain. We celebrate the rain: "No rain, no rainbows". Nonetheless, please watch the weather forecast and be prepared with rain jacket or umbrella as well as shoes that can get wet.
Hydration. The tour can easily fill the planned time, much of which is outside, exposed to the powerful tropical sun. The farm has potable water, nonetheless, it's wise to have water available that you can bring along on the farm tour.
Exposure. Speaking of the sun...sunglasses, a broad-brimmed hat, and sun block are encouraged as well.
Sanitation. A restroom IS available in the Chocolate Factory..a minor miracle.
Moloa'a dirt. The rich soil of Moloaa is famous for it's red color and it's ability to stain anything and everything it comes into contact with, especially when wet..and the stains are permanent. Although the farm has matured to a point where direct exposure to dirt &/or mud is unlikely, we cannot guarantee your clothes will not become stained.